Contact Claire on:

T: 01622 756709
M: 07917 726226
or email Claire

The New Leaf Gardener


Hi, I'm Claire

If you are looking for a professional and reliable service, someone who is passionate about gardening and the gardens I work in, then you have found the right gardener for you.

If you love the time you spend in your garden or the view of it but don't have the time or energy to maintain it, then I'm here to help.

I will maintain and care for your garden to suit your specific needs and budget, and will keep you involved in the process throughout. Details of my promise can be viewed here.

The main area I cover is Maidstone and surrounding villages including Loose, Bearsted, Grove Green, Allington, Aylesford, Barming, Teston and Wateringbury. 

Please see my Services page for full details of the types of work I routinely carry out including my new Garden Consultation Service.

New Leaf Garden Carpentry

If you need carpentry work carried out in the garden then please have a look at the Garden Carpentry pages.

My husband Stuart, as well as gardening, can cater for all your outside carpentry needs including fencing, gates, trellising, compost and leaf-mould bins, raised beds and planters.